Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wicomb Wedding in Cape Town

Friday, the 18th December 2009, dawned upon the much anticipated wedding day of Varnia Wicomb, only daughter of Martin & Saretha Wicomb of Cape Town, and her sweetheart Harold Mouton Jnr from Namibia. Family and friends from all over the country, Port Elizabeth, Namibia, Johannesburg, even from The Netherlands came to witness the couple exchanging their nuptials.

KRONENBURG wine estate http://www.kronenburg.co.za/ situated between Paarl and Wellington, was the perfect venue for such an auspicious occasion with it’s beautiful gardens and majestic mountain views. The wedding ceremony was held in the amphitheatre on the premises with the Reverend Stalmeester bringing a powerful message about “ Faith, Hope and Love ”. The bride with her bubbly personality looked like a princess in her stunning wedding gown as she entered the arena. It was no wonder that the bridegroom could hardly keep his eyes off his beautiful bride, admiring her in all her beauty and grace. After the exchanging of the wedding vows, the guests were treated to tasty canapés and excellent local wines, while the bridal couple and entourage went for the photo session in the beautifully manicured gardens.

The reception hall was decorated in a striking lime-green colour scheme which was enhanced by elegant flower and candle arrangements. The speeches by both the bride and grooms’ parents were really heartwarming, filled with love for both of them. Both mothers reiterated that the couple should build their marriage with GOD being the head of their home and their lives. The father of the groom also added that they were a big family from Namibia, and together with the already extensive Wicomb family they could populate their own town (LOL).

The dancing and mingling of family and friends was complimented by superb live music by local Cape Town band Black Currant, thus proving that South Africa really has got talent. The dancing and strengthening of family ties went on until the early hours of the morning. Truly, the well planned occasion was enjoyed by one and all.

Varnia and Harold, may your love for one another last for eternity, and we wish you all the happiness and prosperity for your future together.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Wicomb Saamtrek 2009

Ten spyte van gure weer en die son wat sy kop eers teen groettyd die Mandagoggend behoorlik uitgesteek het, was die sewende Wicomb Familiesaamtrek weereens 'n volslae sukses.
Vanjaar se saamtrek, van 24 - 27 April 2009, het soos die vorige vyf weer by die Calitzdorp Spa plaasgevind waar die eerste familie reeds die Vrydagoggend aangekom het. Hulle was Peter (WAP) Wicomb van die Kaap, Rowan Wicomb van die Oos-Kaap en Bobby en Jean Wicomb, ook van die Oos-Kaap.
Dit het Vrydagaand lekker gereën en van die beplande “bring-en-braai” het ongelukkig niks van gekom nie maar daar is tog lekker oor en weer gekuier in die motreën en het die drie komitees ook bymekaar gekom. Daar is ook lekker gebraai teen die berg tot omtrent 4 uur die oggend.
Teen Saterdagoggend was al 42 chalets vol en ook karavane en tente vir 'n totaal van sowat 300 van ons.
Die verwelkoming in die restaurant was 'n heuglike geleentheid want daar is gegroet en gegroet en gegroet.
By dié geleentheid het een van die Wes-Kapenaars die leiding geneem.
Saterdagmiddag was weer tyd vir die spanspeletjies waar veral die jongspan lekker betrokke was.
Ten spyte van die weer was daar mos genoeg warm water waarin geswem kon word en baie van die familie het behoorlik gebruik gemaak daarvan, sommige vroegoggend en ander laataand.
Die gesamentlike funksies het ietwat van ‘n knou gekry met die konferensiesaal wat nie meer benut kan word nie.
Die twee groot tente wat opgeslaan is om hiervoor te vergoed kon as gevolg van die reën ook nie benut word nie.
Die Saterdagaand was weer Kerrie-en-rys tyd wat weer voorberei is deur die Oos-Kapenaars . En was dit nie 'n lekker sterke nie, net reg vir die koue.
Die Oos-Kaapse jongspan het almal verras met ‘n gelukkige trekking waarin verskeie pryse gewen kon word. Na ete was dit tyd vir jolyt, grappe en sang.
‘n Groot dank aan Aubrey Wicomb en Godfrey Brink wat baie moeite gedoen het met die stamboom en geskiedenis van die Wicombs.
Sondagoggend se wandelpad het ook vasgesteek hoewel daar tog 'n paar vasbyters was wat wel die 2,5km wandelpad aangedurf het.
Die hoogtepunt van die naweek was weer die dankseggingsdiens die Sondagoggend. Dit was lekker loslit met Uncle Simon Swigelaar wat ‘n kort boodskap gebring het en Fanny Lekay, eggenote van Ivan, wat as diensleier opgetree het.
Hulde is weer gebring aan ons voorouers en Uncle Amp het ‘n kers aangesteek vir geliefdes wat sedert die laaste saamtrek gesterf het.
Uncle Amp, tans die oudste familielid, het weereens die belangrikheid van familiesaamtrekke beklemtoon.
Die Sondagmiddagete was ook ‘n treffer danksy die spyseniers, Andrew, sy vrou, Maureen, en ‘n helper wat gesorg het vir ‘n heerlike ete.
Weens die weer kon die amptelike fotosessie nie daarna plaasvind nie en is tot byna 5 uur gekuier en nuwe familie ontmoet.
Kort hierna het die Kapenaars vure aangesteek om die snoek te begin braai en teen agtuur het ons aangesit vir lekker Kaapse snoek, patat en gebakte brood.
En oja, niemand kon kla oor die kos nie want by al drie gesamentlike etes was daar meer as genoeg. Genoeg vir “seconds” en “thirds”. Hierna was dit “Om die kampvuur’ met staaltjies en grappies waaraan oud en jonk deelgeneem het. Louthar Herringer (11) was die jongste deelnemer en Uncle Harold Wentley (80) die oudste storie- en grappievertellers.
Uncle Harold het selfs ‘n liedjie ( “Mother”) gesing ongeag die stem wat nie meer is wat dit so twintig jaar gelede was nie.
Maandagoggend was groettyd en huistoe gaan. en het elke streek geleentheid gekry om bedankings te doen. Almal was dit eens dat dit in baie opsigte een van die beste saamtrekke tot nog toe was.
Die gebruiklike fotosessie kon ook plaasvind hoewel van die familie ongelukkig al moes aan huistoe.
Die afskeid was swaar en almal was dit eens dat dit een van die beste saamtrekke tot dusver was.
Gevra wanneer die volgende sal wees was die antwoord “September vanjaar.”
Aan almal wat dit so ‘n lekker saamtrek gemaak het baie, baie dankie. Sal darem nie voor 2011 weer kan saamtrek nie.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

7th Wicomb Reunion

More than 300 family members gathered at the 7 th Wicomb reunion held from 24 to 27 April 2009 at The Calitzdorp Spa. Follow the link below to see the article in DIE HOORN

link: http://www.oudtshoorninfo.com/hoorn.php?page=hoorn&action=view_hoorn_article&id=2474&PHPSESSID=347361fae08fc7fe546055608f0bcec0

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Smash and grab warning

Smash and grab warning

After one of our family members experienced a smash and grab ordeal, I felt compelled to write this article to warn others about these crimes.

Tips to stop smash and grabs
Smash and grab attacks on South African motorists are increasing say glass fitting and insurance companies.“What’s even more frightening is the fact that these smash and grabbers prey mainly on women,” said Robyn Farrell, director of 1st for Women Insurance.Robyn said that, although the police were taking steps to combat the smash-and-grab attacks, it was up to the motorist to avoid becoming a victim by remaining as vigilant as possible.
The following tips have been issued by 1st for Women Insurance to help cut down on smash-and-grab attacks:
• Leave the passenger windows open by about 3cm to make the glass more flexible, allowing the window to absorb the sudden impact of an attempted smash-and-grab.
• Avoid leaving valuables and anything worth stealing on your passenger or back seat. Rather keep them in handbags stored in the boot or hide them under your seat.
• Always remain on full alert when stationary in your vehicle.
People who pounce on unsuspecting drivers have turned some pleasant rides into nightmare driving, says the SA Police Service. Whether your car is moving or stationary, bear the following in mind:
• Lock all your doors and close all the windows. It can happen that someone will smash your window at a traffic light, grab the stuff and run. Corollary: if the window is open, this makes life a lot easier for the would-be "help yourself artist". Thieves steal handbags and other valuables by opening car doors or by breaking windows while your car is stationary at traffic lights or in slow-moving traffic.
• Don't keep stuff worth stealing (bags, cellphones, briefcases, grocery shopping or other valuables) on the seats next to you. Lock all valuables in the boot of your car or behind the seat.
• Be constantly on the look-out for suspicious-looking characters. Don't hesitate to report them.
• When approaching a red traffic light at night, slow down so that you only reach it when it turns green and thus do not need to stop.
• Be wary of people standing at traffic lights or intersections. They may even point to something being wrong with your vehicle to get you to open your window or get out of your vehicle.
• Never open your vehicle window or door for a stranger.
• If you encounter obstacles in the road such as rocks or tyres, do not get out of your vehicle to remove them. Drive off in the opposite direction.
• The best smash-and-grab preventer is to have a polycarb film fitted to your windows. This is tinted so that thieves cannot see into your car, makes it extremely difficult to shatter your windows and reduces glare. The film also reduces the chance of injury from broken glass.
• Remove faces of cd/mp3 players with clip-off faces.
Tips to prevent hijacking
• Don't drive with your car window more than 5cm open.
• Always put your bag under the passenger seat or in the boot - and never reach for it if you've been ordered out of your car. The hijacker might assume you're grabbing a firearm and shoot you. • Keep your cellphone on you; when you're out of the car you can call for help.
• Be aware of your surroundings by keeping an eye on the cars and people around you. This will give you a better chance of taking evasive action.
• Hijackings usually take place when a vehicle has come to a complete standstill. When approaching an intersection or red traffic light slow down and try to get there by the time it turns green, or leave a reasonable stopping distance between you and the car in front of you to allow yourself room to manoeuvre and escape any dangerous situation.
• Be alert when driving under a bridge - hijackers may drop stones on cars to force motorists to stop.
• If a firearm is held against your window raise both your hands. Always keep your hands where the hijacker can see them and if you need to reach for something - for example to undo your seatbelt - explain clearly what you're about to do.
• Know the location of the police station nearest to your work or home. If the occupants of a police car want you to pull to the side of the road indicate that they should follow you to the police station in case they're not really policemen.
• Never leave a vehicle unattended with its engine running - especially in a parking lot, public garage or shopping mall. One scam involves putting a flyer on your car window, waiting for you to get out to remove it and then speeding off in your car.
• Never leave children alone in a vehicle, not even for a moment. Children may innocently allow access to your car and belongings, and put themselves in danger.
• If you are attacked it is advisable to remain calm and not show any signs of aggression or threaten the culprit. Items such as handbags and cellphones are replaceable, your life is not!-
tips provided by Outsurance

Galaxy ticket

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Family Tree Forms

Please download forms, fill out and e-mail back to me please in order to update the tree. You can contact me at godfrey.brink@gmail.com for more information. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sewende Wicomb Familie-saamtrek lok byna 300.

Sowat 300 Wicomb familielede het die afgelope naweek (24 – 27 April 2009) die sewende familiesaamtrek by die Calitzdorp Spa bygewoon. Die hoogtepunt van die naweek was weer ‘n dankseggingsdiens die Sondagoggend waartydens hulde gebring is aan die voorouers en ‘n kers wat die oudste familielid, mnr Adam (Ampie ) Wicomb (89) van Oudtshoorn aangesteek het, ter nagedagtenis aan familielede wat na die vorige saamtrek gesterf het.
Hy het die belangrikheid van familiesaamtrekke beklemtoon om familiebande te verstewig. Die saamtrek word elke twee jaar gehou na die eerste een wat in 1992 in De Hoek gehou is en die tweede in 1998 by die Spa. Al die huidige Wicombs is afstammelinge van die agt kinders van Robert Wicomb (1818-1905) en Isabelle Wicomb (nee Le Roux: 1818-1898), nl Robert, Daniel, Frederick, Moses, Simon, Abraham, Jeanetta en Alida. ‘n Groot getal jongmense het vanjaar se saamtrek bygewoon wat bemoedigend is vir die organiseerders. Op die foto is ‘n groot aantal van die familie wat met groettyd Maandagoggend nog teenwoordig was.

Mnr Adam “Ampie” Wicomb van Oudtshoorn (89), van Oudtshoorn, tans die oudste lewende Wicomb, steek die kers aan ter gedagtenis aan die familielede wat sedert die laaste saamtrek oorlede is.

Die Suid-Kaap se Wicombs was die wenners van ‘n toutrekkompetisie, een van vele aktiwiteite wat aangebied was, tussen die drie streke (Wes-Kaap, Oos-Kaap en Suid-Kaap).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wicomb Reunion 2009 pictures

Uncle Ampie lights a candle in remembrance of those who passed on.
Simon's descendants

Debenaé handing a gift to uncle Ampie

Janetta's descendants

Robert's descendants

Moses' descendants

Daniel's descendants

Robert's descendants

Galaxy ticket

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wicomb Reunion 2009 at Calitzdorp

Yes family, time is drawing near, the bi-annual reunion is officially starting on Saturday, 25 April 2009.
Everybody is excited and cannot wait to see each other at the reunion. For those who have to travel long distances, please drive careful. SEE YOU AT THE REUNION!!!

Galaxy ticket

Monday, March 16, 2009



Dear Family

On behalf of the Eastern Cape Wicomb Family, we wish to express our sincere gratitude for the highly successful Reunion of May 2007.

We are deeply indebted to you for the mammoth task you had in making the Reunion the success it was. The huge amount of positives which came forth from this experience, is something we hold dear to our hearts.

In addition to the adult members of the family, our children had much praise for the occasion. And we are still talking of the good time we had.

We had an in depth discussion of the Reunion, and in addition to the praise for the Reunion, we also had a few suggestions and recommendations we would like to put forth. We trust that these points will be looked at in earnest, as we have, with the utmost sincerity, attempted to come to the fore with suggestions for the good not only of the Reunion, but for the family as a whole.

Find attached a note on “DISCUSSION ON WICOMB FAMILY REUNION 2007”, which we trust you will find in order.

Once more, thanks so much for the most enjoyable Family Reunion, and for making us part of a Family we can all be proud of.

May God Bless You All.

Farouk Wicomb
(on behalf of Eastern Cape Wicomb Family)



(1) The Reunion proved to be a huge success in many ways:
(a) The renewal of old family ties: Family with whom contact had been lost, met again after many years, sparking a renewed feeling of love and belonging.
(b) Family members who came for the very first time, and others who had met the family for the first time, found this experience very exciting, and vowed to attend the next one again.
(c) The younger members of the family found it extremely enjoyable, and posed the question: “Can’t we have it every year?” This sentiment stemmed from the fact that they:
(i) had the freedom to move around freely.
(ii) felt safe and secure.
(ii) met up with old family acquaintances.
(iv) met new family members.
(v) enjoyed the general set-up and environment.
(d) There was a good, pleasant atmosphere and this set the tone for good inter-mingling and getting to know each other better.
(e) The closeness that was evident, is a sure and positive sign and indication that we have come to know and understand each other better ------ our unique cultures, habits, mannerisms, character make-up, etc. Is this not one of the aims of our Reunion?

All of the above bodes well for the future, especially for our younger generation who have come to experience something new ----- finding new family connections, increasing and broadening their vision and views of life.

We are therefore duty-bound to create the opportunities for our youth to live this out to the full and thus develop a feeling of deep love and adoration for one another and for the family as a whole.

Through this we will easily succeed in building strong character in our children and so carry through the ethics and morals which our forebears so rigorously stood for.


(a) To encourage, expand and build on all the good that emanated from our past Reunion and previous ones, we need to consider having these Reunions more often and within a shorter space of each other. An interval of 3 years from one Reunion to another, is far too long. We should look at the possibility of 1 or 2 year intervals, or even as some of the youngsters said, “every year”. [The date of a Reunion should, in any case, coincide with a long weekend, which might not be available a certain year].
(b) Youth involvement: In order to sound out their views, opinions, thoughts and ideas, our youngsters need to get together and workshop, inter alia, the following:
(i) the do’s and don’t’s at our Reunions.
(ii) their wants, needs and choice of activities for the Reunions.
(iii) how they can be part of the organizing aspect before and at the Reunion.

This could be done either:
(i) before the Reunion in every province or
(ii) jointly, before the Reunion, at one centre or
(iii) at the Reunion (which might be a bit late, as events need to be organized before-hand).
(c) There is an abundant supply of talent available in the family, and this should be exploited and displayed in the form of a Concert. Each province could be requested to prepare a few items like singing, acting, games, etc
(d) All members who have made bookings or paid for chalets, and day visitors, should be issued with a Ticket or Voucher, which has to be produced at the gate on arrival. Should it be necessary for anyone to pay at the gate, then this could be arranged if numbered tickets are left at the gate. This could ensure that near-correct numbers are obtained so as to obviate the possibility of under-catering for meals.
(e) Seating at the Hall: Because it is very cumbersome, awkward and maybe difficult to carry or transport chairs to and from the Hall, consideration should be given to hiring of chairs. This expense could be built into the hiring fees of the chalets.
(f) It should be brought to the attention of the Spa’s authorities that the hot water pool outside needs proper lighting, as it is dangerously underlit.
(g) A Register of all those present at Reunions should be filled out, to form part of our possible “Wicomb Archive”.
(h) A Data base of Names, Addresses, Name of Parent and Contact Details of all family members in each centre(province), should be set up and placed on the Wicomb Website.
(i) An enlarged Family Tree should be fixed onto the wall as was done with the photographs.
(j) We should consider the establishment of a Wicomb Trust Fund for the purpose of serving the Wicomb family in, inter alia:
(a) Education.
(b) Investment: Acquisition of property e.g. a smallholding, or farm, or an established entity like the Calitzdorp Spa, etc and develop such property.
(c) Subsidising our elderly families at Reunions.

[Once this idea is accepted in principle, the mechanics and legalities can be worked on]
(k) When suggestions are made, ample time should be given for everybody to ponder about these, stretch their thoughts and imagination, share ideas, discuss and then come up with decision/s:
(a) after discussions in each province.
(b) at Reunion.

This is to ensure that everybody has a chance of pooling ideas, which does not easily come to the fore in a crowd.
(l) We should try to find ways of making it possible for the family to meet other members of the family at the Reunions. It seems that members tend to stick to only the family members they know well, forgetting that our purpose is to meet and get acquainted with all family circles.
(m) Use of Alcohol: There have been reports of some of our youngsters having been under the influence of alcohol. This has had some negative effects on some of our kids, who had apparently been confronted by such tipsy youngsters with comments and actions that are simply filthy and not conducive to good family morals. These incidents were apparently experienced at the Hot Pool at night. This aspect needs serious consideration which we need to rectify at our next Reunion.
(n) Family Emblem: Because there is no certainty that the Wycombe badge is that of our Wicombs, we should consider designing our own one. Each design on an emblem normally depicts some meaning. We have many talented, artistic members in our family whom we could request to come up with some design.
[Using something which does not belong to us, could become a legal sorepoint of plagiarism].
(o) A joint meeting of representatives of all 3 centres(provinces) ---- Western, Eastern and Southern Cape, should be arranged over a weekend (before the next Reunion).

Farouk Wicomb
(on behalf of Eastern Cape)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Hello familie,
Ja, dis alweer byna tyd vir ons volgende saamtrek van 25 tot 29 April 2009 by die Calitzdorp Spa.
Hiermee net ‘n bietjie oor wat vanjaar beoog word asook die tariewe.
Ons gaan dié keer baie strenger wees ten opsigte van toegang tot die oord. Ons ondervind met elke saamtrek probleme met die gesamentlike etes.
Te veel van die familie wat nie vir die naweek bespreek het nie,daag sonder kennisgewing by die Spa op as dagbesoekers en dra nie by tot die koste nie.
Ons is van mening dit is nie reg teenoor die ander nie. Dit het al meer as een keer gebeur dat dié wat die etes voorberei self nie iets te ete kry nie.
Om hierdie rede is besluit om vanjaar etekaartjies aan almal wat bespreek te verskaf.
Dit sal van dagbesoekers verwag word om 'n dagfooi van ten minste R25 per persoon te betaal.
Voorts sal strenger beheer by die hek toegepas word.
Ons wil niemand wegwys nie want hoe meer ons is hoe lekkerder. Selfs vriende van familie sal steeds welkom wees, mits hulle ook hul bydrae lewer.
'n Ander bron van kommer is van ons jongmense wat by tye te jolig word en die versoek is dat almal mekaar respekteer en veral eerbied teenoor die ouer familielede betoon word..
Wat baie belangrik is, is dat almal hulle moet geniet..
Ons soek ook voorstelle vir die naweek se program..
Laastens. Ons sal weer die chalets alternatiewelik aan die drie streke toeken en familie word aangemoedig om vroegtydig te bespreek.
En oja. Die van ons wat ‘n dag vroeër wil aankom, moet direk met die Spa skakel. Die nommer is 044 213 3371.
Die akkommodasiekostes is soos volg:
1-14: R1270 (drie nagte) R839 (twee nagte)
15-20: R1150 (drie nagte) R763 (twee nagte)
Vierbed (Berg) R868 (drie nagte) R 567 (twee nagte).
Sesbed (Berg) R1099 (drie nagte) R721 (twee nagte).
Karavaanstaanplek: R147 per dag (vier persone) + R13 vir elke bykomende persoon.
Namens die reëlingskomitee,
Garnett Wicomb.
Sel: 072 4686 456
Epos adresse: wicombg@telkomsa.net
Naam van rekening: Wicomb Familie Saamtrek
Absa. Spaarrekening. Nr. 912 8901 387:

Galaxy ticket